LIFE GREEN GAS NETWORK - Final results presentation

Closing event of LIFE Green Gas Network project took place in Verona on September 26th 2017, where Pietro Fiorentini, Terranova and RetiPiù presented to a selected audience the target of the project, the actions taken and the results.
This is the schedule of the event:

  • Pietro Fiorentini: Why we needed Green Gas Network LIFE Project
  • RetiPiù: Green Gas Network LIFE Project from Utility point of view
  • Terranova: TSG software features for Green Gas Network LIFE Project
  • Pietro Fiorentini: Devices used
  • Pietro Fiorentini: Conclusions and lessons learned

After the presentation, two more speeches were carried out on topics related to the topic:

  • Aster: Presentation of Biomether LIFE Project
  • Huawei: The future of the Smart Gas Grid